Grgurovic, M., & Alton, A. (2020). Beyond lecturing in live, synchronous sessions: Exploring ways to engage students further. Presentation for Teaching Tuesdays series. Lewis University.
Grgurovic, M. (2020). Hybrid/blended course design and delivery. Presentation for Teaching Tuesdays series. Lewis University.
Grgurovic, M., & Xiong, A. (2018). Technological and pedagogical competencies for online instructors. Poster presented at TEACHx 2018. Northwestern University. Chicago, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M., & Rott, S. (2017). Formative assessment in blended learning environments: Technology tools that help. Paper presented at SLATE conference, Naperville, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M. (2017). Helpful tips for new teachers. Presentation at 2017 Campus-wide International TA orientation. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M. (2016). Becoming a new TA: Some tips for success. Keynote talk given at 2016 Campus-wide International TA orientation. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
O'Bryan, A. & Grgurovic, M. (2016). Training educators to teach in online and blended environments. Poster presented at United States Distance Learning Association. St. Louis, MO.
Grgurovic, M., Fortuna Dias, S., Huang, M., Jafor, Md. Abu., & Sampei, C. (2015, August). Multilingual writers in the college classroom. Panel presentation at UIC's First-Year Writing Program Composition Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M., Fortuna Dias, S., Huang, M., Jafor, Md. Abu., & Sampei, C. (2015, April). Getting to know your ELL students. Panel presentation at UIC's First-Year Writing Program Professional Development Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M., & Cranch, C. (2015). An easy way to build your class website. Illinois TESOL/BE Conference, Naperville, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M., Fortuna Dias, S., Huang, M., Jafor, Md. Abu., & Sampei, C. (2015). Getting to know your students better. Panel presentation at Illinois TESOL/BE Conference, Naperville, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M., Fabbian, C., & E. Zanotti Carney. (2014). Lessons learned: Design and implementation of Italian blended language courses. Paper presented at TechTeach Conference at University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M. (2014). Blended language learning: Past, Present, and Future. Paper presented at MWALLT Annual Conference, Bloomington, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M., Elshareif, S., & M. Gadek-Stephan. (2014). Multi-level classes: Challenges and how to overcome them. Paper presented at Illinois TESOL/BE Conference, Lisle, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M. (2013). Moving forward with blended learning: What can we learn from current research on blended language learning? Paper presented at TechTeach Conference at University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M. (2013). Blended language learning: A review of research. Paper presented at CALICO Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Grgurovic, M., Armand, V., & McClure, S. (2013). Using Google Drive (Inside and Outside) the Classroom. TESOL/BE Conference, Lisle, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M. (2012). Online listening resources for ESL teachers. Invited presentation at Northern Region Adult Education Fall Conference. Bloomingdale, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M. (2012). Free ESL listening materials on the Internet. Paper presented at Illinois TESOL/BE Conference, Lisle, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M. (2011). Teaching English as a second language in the blended format: Feedback from instructors and students. Poster presented at the 17th annual Sloan Consortium Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
Grgurovic, M. (2010). Online oral skills practice in a blended learning environment: Teacher and student experience. Paper presented at the Conference on Technology for Second Language Learning, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Grgurovic, M. (2010). Teachers and technology: Experience of an Intensive English Program. Paper presented at Illinois TESOL/BE Conference, Naperville, Illinois.
Preiss, S., & Grgurovic, M. (2009). Language learning online: Exploring pathways to innovation. Presentation at TESOL Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Grgurovic, M. (2009). Technology-enhanced blended learning in an ESL class. Paper presented at CALICO Conference, Tempe, Arizona.
Grgurovic, M. (2007). Research on CALL comparison studies: Can a meta-analysis inform instructed SLA? Paper presented at Second Language Research Forum, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M., & Pendar, N. (2007). NLP-Based CALL: A Review of Evaluation and Effectiveness. Paper presented at the Conference on Technology for Second Language Learning, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Jamieson. J., Grgurovic, M., & Becker, T. (2007). Using diagnostic information to adapt traditional textbook-based instruction. Paper presented at the Conference on Technology for Second Language Learning, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Grgurovic, M., & Chapelle, C. (2007). Effectiveness of CALL: A meta-analysis and research synthesis. Paper presented at CALICO Conference, San Marcos, Texas.
Haji-Abdolhosseini, M., Hegelheimer, V., Grgurovic, M., & O'Bryan, A. (2006). Multimedia systems research for second language education. Poster presented at Network for Effective Collaboration Technologies through Advanced Research (NECTAR) Annual General Meeting 2006. Banff, Alberta.
Grgurovic, M. (2006). ESL students’ use of a transcript and subtitles in a multimedia listening unit. Paper presented at CALICO Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Compton, L., Grgurovic, M., O’Bryan, A., Bekrieva-Grannis, D., & Cotos, E. (2006). Review of conferencing applications and their potential use for language learning. Paper presented at CALICO Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Compton, L., O’Bryan, A., Grgurovic, M., Cotos, E., & Bekrieva-Grannis, D. (2006). Reviewing CMC applications for usability, usefulness, and language learning potential. Poster presented at CALICO Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Grgurovic, M. (2004). Data collection methods in a web-based multimedia listening unit. Paper presented at the Conference on Technology for Second Language Learning, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Grgurovic, M. (2004). Designing a multimedia listening activity. Poster presented at TESOL Conference, Long Beach, California.
Grgurovic, M. (2020). Hybrid/blended course design and delivery. Presentation for Teaching Tuesdays series. Lewis University.
Grgurovic, M., & Xiong, A. (2018). Technological and pedagogical competencies for online instructors. Poster presented at TEACHx 2018. Northwestern University. Chicago, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M., & Rott, S. (2017). Formative assessment in blended learning environments: Technology tools that help. Paper presented at SLATE conference, Naperville, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M. (2017). Helpful tips for new teachers. Presentation at 2017 Campus-wide International TA orientation. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M. (2016). Becoming a new TA: Some tips for success. Keynote talk given at 2016 Campus-wide International TA orientation. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
O'Bryan, A. & Grgurovic, M. (2016). Training educators to teach in online and blended environments. Poster presented at United States Distance Learning Association. St. Louis, MO.
Grgurovic, M., Fortuna Dias, S., Huang, M., Jafor, Md. Abu., & Sampei, C. (2015, August). Multilingual writers in the college classroom. Panel presentation at UIC's First-Year Writing Program Composition Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M., Fortuna Dias, S., Huang, M., Jafor, Md. Abu., & Sampei, C. (2015, April). Getting to know your ELL students. Panel presentation at UIC's First-Year Writing Program Professional Development Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M., & Cranch, C. (2015). An easy way to build your class website. Illinois TESOL/BE Conference, Naperville, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M., Fortuna Dias, S., Huang, M., Jafor, Md. Abu., & Sampei, C. (2015). Getting to know your students better. Panel presentation at Illinois TESOL/BE Conference, Naperville, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M., Fabbian, C., & E. Zanotti Carney. (2014). Lessons learned: Design and implementation of Italian blended language courses. Paper presented at TechTeach Conference at University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M. (2014). Blended language learning: Past, Present, and Future. Paper presented at MWALLT Annual Conference, Bloomington, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M., Elshareif, S., & M. Gadek-Stephan. (2014). Multi-level classes: Challenges and how to overcome them. Paper presented at Illinois TESOL/BE Conference, Lisle, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M. (2013). Moving forward with blended learning: What can we learn from current research on blended language learning? Paper presented at TechTeach Conference at University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M. (2013). Blended language learning: A review of research. Paper presented at CALICO Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Grgurovic, M., Armand, V., & McClure, S. (2013). Using Google Drive (Inside and Outside) the Classroom. TESOL/BE Conference, Lisle, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M. (2012). Online listening resources for ESL teachers. Invited presentation at Northern Region Adult Education Fall Conference. Bloomingdale, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M. (2012). Free ESL listening materials on the Internet. Paper presented at Illinois TESOL/BE Conference, Lisle, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M. (2011). Teaching English as a second language in the blended format: Feedback from instructors and students. Poster presented at the 17th annual Sloan Consortium Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
Grgurovic, M. (2010). Online oral skills practice in a blended learning environment: Teacher and student experience. Paper presented at the Conference on Technology for Second Language Learning, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Grgurovic, M. (2010). Teachers and technology: Experience of an Intensive English Program. Paper presented at Illinois TESOL/BE Conference, Naperville, Illinois.
Preiss, S., & Grgurovic, M. (2009). Language learning online: Exploring pathways to innovation. Presentation at TESOL Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Grgurovic, M. (2009). Technology-enhanced blended learning in an ESL class. Paper presented at CALICO Conference, Tempe, Arizona.
Grgurovic, M. (2007). Research on CALL comparison studies: Can a meta-analysis inform instructed SLA? Paper presented at Second Language Research Forum, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.
Grgurovic, M., & Pendar, N. (2007). NLP-Based CALL: A Review of Evaluation and Effectiveness. Paper presented at the Conference on Technology for Second Language Learning, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Jamieson. J., Grgurovic, M., & Becker, T. (2007). Using diagnostic information to adapt traditional textbook-based instruction. Paper presented at the Conference on Technology for Second Language Learning, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Grgurovic, M., & Chapelle, C. (2007). Effectiveness of CALL: A meta-analysis and research synthesis. Paper presented at CALICO Conference, San Marcos, Texas.
Haji-Abdolhosseini, M., Hegelheimer, V., Grgurovic, M., & O'Bryan, A. (2006). Multimedia systems research for second language education. Poster presented at Network for Effective Collaboration Technologies through Advanced Research (NECTAR) Annual General Meeting 2006. Banff, Alberta.
Grgurovic, M. (2006). ESL students’ use of a transcript and subtitles in a multimedia listening unit. Paper presented at CALICO Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Compton, L., Grgurovic, M., O’Bryan, A., Bekrieva-Grannis, D., & Cotos, E. (2006). Review of conferencing applications and their potential use for language learning. Paper presented at CALICO Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Compton, L., O’Bryan, A., Grgurovic, M., Cotos, E., & Bekrieva-Grannis, D. (2006). Reviewing CMC applications for usability, usefulness, and language learning potential. Poster presented at CALICO Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Grgurovic, M. (2004). Data collection methods in a web-based multimedia listening unit. Paper presented at the Conference on Technology for Second Language Learning, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Grgurovic, M. (2004). Designing a multimedia listening activity. Poster presented at TESOL Conference, Long Beach, California.